Digitalized Skin 1.02 - For WinAMP 1.91+ ---------------------------------------- (c) and (p) Fli7e / Beatforge & Backlash May 22nd 1998 HTTP:// This Skin has been developed for a long time now. As Nullsoft put out the new featured WinAMP 1.91 i decided to update the skin to use some of the new features. Only the undocumentated Transparency has been left off the update. If there will be use for Transparency I will (for sure) do some updates. History of my Skins: Since the days when WinAmp came out i hated the skin. It looked (and still do) soooooooooo ugly. As a hobby program hacker i decided to replace the bitmaps in the .exe with selfmade ones and where so happy that it worked for me. About 3 weeks later a skin (hack) called The Relayer Player came out and told the whole world he was first (or wordwise like that). Hummm ... again i did 2 hacks and a homepage for it. That was somewhen in february 1998. After that date i became big in hacks and skins later on. My skins and hacks became high rated at and Nullsoft put a skin to their example skin pack downloadable at So you see i am no onedayandawayforever ppl. Thanks must fly out to all the users of my skins that (mostly) send me lovely emails. Mostly asking me for "How did you do ... " this and that ... Well do a magican tell you his tricks? No! All i can say is : The best program there was, the best there is and the best there ever will be. PS! Bye for now ... HTTP:// take the one you love most!